
/c/science Modlog
7 days ago
Removed Comment Some people are so competitive that they'd just do about anything to get Likes. We both know some would do it by @[email protected]
reason: Rule 1, 2: ableist trolling
7 days ago
Removed Comment If the topic was about equatorial bulge, and it got into the various algorithms to calculate the distance between two points on our planet, might have been in danger of having are really good discussion. But the semantics on black holes vs other celestial objects?! Nah ... that's just silly nonsense. Like discussing the weather or the colour of the sky. The test is, at any point are we in danger of learning something useful? And if not, the OP is just blowing air up our bums. by @[email protected]
reason: Rule 1, 2: ableist trolling
7 days ago
Removed Comment Have no idea what that comment was supposed to mean. Looks like a word salad. I took it positively; he was just making a joke. And let it be. by @[email protected]
reason: Rule 1, 2: ableist trolling
7 days ago
Removed Comment Assumes i know what ableism means. It means nothing to me. This is the truth. I could look it up, but it just looks like, lingoism. Just making up yet another bs term, that supposed to just learn about then there is 20 more terms and those need to be learned. It's a never ending loop of lingoism. I have other interests. On github everyday, there is not enough time in the day. What my interests are actually matter when deciding what to put time into. If this was my thing, i wouldn't dismiss it. Censoring my speech, i'm also not really interested in. So i'll say some shiat and people will fake being offended and i'll fake caring that they are offended. Words will be exchanged and life will go on. rinse wash and repeat by @[email protected]
reason: Rule 1, 2: ableist trolling
7 days ago
Removed Comment > wider view of you refusing to look into a word you’re unfamiliar with because it’s “lingoism”. So you won’t find out what a real word means because of a word you just made up. What is it even supposed to mean - some sort of language ideology? Are you saying you won’t look it up because it’s a word? The entire premise is just so fucking incoherent. Did write, i have other interests. This point didn't sink in or just dismissed cuz differs from expectations. Some people can't see the forest. Or continue zooming out. I zoomed out and decided it's not worth pursuing. Yes coulda gone thru all the motions. Each and every request, by each and every person, on each and every article topic or random thought. Every rode not taken ... is of the utmost importance. Must be stupid or incoherent or whatever cuz didn't go thru the motions when could have. by @[email protected]
reason: Rule 1, 2: ableist trolling
7 days ago
Removed Comment > Even worse, you know you could look it up, but you’re rather remain ignorant. What the fuck kind of respect do you think you’re gonna get for saying you’re an idiot that doesn’t want to learn? Ah this is fun. I say two terms you decide gonna take offense at. Like it's an Olympic sport. And then you decide it's really fun to call people stupid for not playing a particular game. I love it! Moah! by @[email protected]
reason: Rule 1, 2: ableist trolling
7 days ago
Banned @[email protected] from the community [email protected]
reason: Rule 1, 2: ableist trolling
expires: in 23 days
7 days ago
Removed Comment > you can’t guess a definition from the fact that it’s made up of “able” and “ism”? There are a billion isms with long stories surrounding each. Faced with another ism, wouldn't assume anything. If had to guess, it has something to do with Cain and Abel. But can't recall if Abel had some an underlying philosophy. Missed that lesson. This is my guess. If had to guess. So the comment came off like it was from a nutter cuz instead of explaining things clearly, threw out some lingoism without a care whether or not it would be understood. Was just honest and said outright have no idea what that is supposed to mean. So then got turned around, `Are you stupid?`. Can't you guess? The gaslighting is cute. End of the day, its just a word salad. If the intent was to be understood, more time woulda been spent being clear. by @[email protected]
reason: Rule 1, 2: ableist trolling
7 days ago
Removed Comment The only way to pop a hmm boner is to apply tunnel vision to only view the situation in the context of Physics, completely ignoring or dismissing linguistics which is applying a word to describe the effects by a laymen. A star bends light A blackhole captures light A planet maybe wobbles So applying a term *sucks in* is completely valid, linguistically. Then some dyslexic comes along to correct us. There is always these patronizing caunts. Do we really need to be reminded that black holes and gravity are correlated?! urbandictionary comes along and another term is born, poking fun at these robotic patronizers `Captain Obvious` the space between his ears is not a vacuum, it's this or that gaddaingit! by @[email protected]
reason: Rule 1, 2
9 months ago
Removed Post Elon Musk's Starlink satellites could be eroding Earth's magnetic field and slowly poisoning us all, ex-NASA scientist warns
reason: Tabloid garbage