Meta post I’ve decided to make. I enjoyed the unixporn subreddit a lot when I used reddit more. I enjoy customizing my linux de as much as the next nerd.

But you definitely shouldn’t use racist slang to refer to the process.

To be clear, I didn’t know the origin of the term ‘ricing’ until fairly recently. I was chattimg with my friend and used it to describe my de setup. They informed me that apparently it’s from car customization, and is a pejorative against generally asian men who customize their car to look like a racecar.

After learning this I was sad to realize just how engrained it is in linux de customization culture. I personally have stopped using the term, and I would ask everyone here stop as well.

  • amigan
    -71 year ago

    Way to ad hominem. You’re part of the problem of people not taking actual hateful language seriously. Most people do not want to be offensive, but being told every single day that something they said offends n=1 group of people will cause them to begin to tune it all out.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Ah yes, the good old “We have so many problems that its better to just ignore them than try to fix even one thing.” There is so much hateful language because even if you use a cartoonishly naive take that racism ended with the civil rights act, that is still almost 200 years of racism shaping the way we talk about things. It takes some time to undo 200 years of racists inventing terms and trying to pass them off with winks and nods. It will take a whole lot longer if we’re so lazy as to not even make the attempt.